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The Di-Plast Research Project – OPEN CALL – Your chance to co-create suitable digital tools to increase your usage of plastic recyclate
The Di-Plast research initiative, funded by the EU Interreg NWE programme, demonstrates solutions for companies along the value chain of recycled plastic materials (rPM). The project develops and publishes an open-access toolkit consisting of digital solutions , which supports companies in working with rPM.
Data analysis is relevant for investigating process improvements, which could result in higher use of recycled polymers. If you are looking for solutions to analyse, improve, evaluate and use data for process optimisation, we offer you to join our co-creation process (Pilots). You can participate in either one or more pilots with the topics:
Process Quality,
Process Analytics and
Value Stream Management
Benefits Of Joining The Pilots
- Support for selection of sensor-based quality control mechanisms and support for selection of suitable software for data acquisition depending on budget and internal knowledge (Process Quality Pilot)
- High quality data allows you to better understand the data that you gathered and to draw better informed conclusions in follow-up data analysis tasks (Process Analytics Pilot)
- Better understanding of your processes through data-driven insights and visualisations (Process Analytics Pilot)
- The VSM tool helps you to visualise and better understand your internal resource flow (time, material, energy or water) and localise bottlenecks (Value Stream Management Pilot)
- Free consultancy from data and value stream experts for the implementation of data-driven solutions
Process Quality Pilot
Sensor data and machine data acquisition are the basic requirements for the data analytics tools. This pilot focuses on matching your skill and budget level with a suitable supplier to find the right software infrastructure for data acquisition or the right sensor to eliminate problems caused by recycling material.
All you need is:
- Quality problems caused by recycling material
- Time to conduct the co-creation process together with our experts
(allocate time on their machines and their knowledge)
Process Analytics Pilot
This pilot focuses on the validation and analysis of process data with an easy-to-use dashboard, which you can tailor to your needs. It is equipped with different applications for data analysis, data visualisation and forecasting (e.g. waste quantities). Co-create this dashboard to make use of the digitalisation to improve your processes.
All you need is:
- Time to conduct the co-creation process together with our experts
(allocate time on their machines and their knowledge) - Contact person, responsible for your process data
- Ideally existing and accessible raw data (e. g. from machines) to work with
Value Stream Management Pilot
This pilot focuses on the visualisation and analysis of product and information to reduce operating cost by eliminating all non-value adding entities. The aim is to deliver value from your customer’s perspective and continuously improve your processes on a micro level (one company) or on macro level (complete supply chain). Within this pilot, you will evaluate your company or your value chain (if you can get your partners on board) together with our expert and receive information on how to improve your value streams in a holistic manner.
All you need is:
- Allow access to your production area
- For the VSM on a macro level it is only recommended if several partners from a value chain are involved.
Confidentiality Of Your Data
All project results are subject to confidentiality for the duration of the project. Results of company-specific investigations and company data are / is treated confidentially also after the project duration. Pilot agreements (which can be sent to you in advance for review) points are concluded between the research partners and the companies to deal with confidentiality and the use of results in the project.
Companies From North-West Europe Apply!
All companies from North West Europe (as defined by Interreg, please check here:, active in the building or packaging plastics sector, are welcome to join. In order to facilitate meetings of our experts in the company (to avoid travel restrictions), we strongly encourage (but are not limited to) companies from the Netherlands (for Process Diagnostic and Analytics) and Luxembourg (for VSM) to apply. We only have a limited number of spaces left for the pilots, so contact our pilot coordinator for application. The application period ends on the 21st of June 2021.
Contact Pilot Coordinator
Heicke Gaedeke
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22
97076 Würzburg/Germany
Phone: +49 931 4104-265